QR code phishing attacks are effective because they can bypass traditional security systems and take users to malicious websites undetected. You can use our pre-made templates that include a QR code by selecting the "QR Code" email template tag, or you can create your own templates and add a QR code to help train your organisation against these types of phishing attacks.
- How to add a QR code to your simulated phishing email template
- What happens if a user scans a QR code in a simulated phishing email?
How to add a QR code to your simulated phishing email template
- Click on "Templates" under the PHISHING heading of the main menu.
- Then click "Emails" to access the email templates.
You can click the "Edit" button on an existing email template and then add a QR code, or you can click "ADD NEW TEMPLATE" to create a new template.
Within the email template editor, locate the "Insert QR Code" button and click it.
This will insert a placeholder labeled [[QRCode]] into your template. When the template is sent in a phishing campaign, a QR code will be automatically generated.
Save your email template. Once your template has been saved, you can send the simulated phishing email template in a phishing campaign.
What happens if a user scans a QR code in a simulated phishing email?
If a user scans a QR code in a simulated phishing email, they will be directed to the selected campaign landing page. This action will be recorded in the platform as the campaign statistic "Clicked/Scanned." You will be able to view additional information about the click, such as the user's IP address and the date and time of the click.
To view the campaign statistic "Clicked/Scanned":
- Go to the Phishing Campaigns page.
- Click on the Clicked/Scanned doughnut chart statistic.
- A table of all users that clicked or scanned the email will be displayed.
Our knowledge base article below will explain additional information about how to review a phishing campaign.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance, you can contact our support team by clicking here. Or by sending an email to support@phishingtackle.com