The Phishing Tackle USP (Unified Security Platform) is a portal created to ensure MSP's (Manage Service Providers) can quickly and easily manage their sub-organisations all in one place.
This quick step-by-step guide will talk you through how to access the USP as well as explain the different areas of the portal.
Our knowledge base article here will explain how to create new organisations using our Partner Portal feature.
- How to generate an API Key
- How to access the USP menu
- Different areas of the USP
- Dashboard
- Organisations
- Recipients
- Training
- Phishing Campaigns
- Admin
How to generate an API Key
Before you can access the USP portal, you will need to generate an API Key. The steps below will explain how to generate an API key:
- From the main dashboard, under 'Setup' click 'Organisation' and then 'Settings'.
- On the screen that appears, select the option at the bottom named 'API.'
- Once you have selected the API option, you will be shown the screen above. On this page, select 'Generate API Key' and click save. Once this is done, you will be able to access the USP.
How to access the USP menu
Now that your API key has been generated, follow the below steps to access the USP.
- From the main dashboard, at the top right of the screen, select the drop-down arrow next to your name.
- From the drop-down options, select Unified Security Platform (USP).
Different Areas Of The USP
Within the USP, on the left side of the screen, you will see all of the categories of the portal. Knowing these areas will help you to easily manage and control your sub-organisations.
- Within the portal, you are able to change languages. The drop down list of available language options can be found at the top right hand side of the screen.
- You also have the option to flick between light and dark mode. To do this, click on the sun/moon icon which can be found next to the language drop down option.
The first category of the USP is the Dashboard. Within the dashboard, you will have access to:
- The overview, which gives you information on your sub-organisations' stats. It provides information on high-risk recipients, high-risk organisations, and your recipients' data on the organisations.
- The calendar will be automatically populated to display your organisations' past and upcoming phishing campaigns and training course schedule.
The second category is Organisations. Within this category, you will have access to:
- Your sub-organisations, which will show you a list of all the sub-organisations you have created. When an organisation is clicked, you will have the option to log in to the main Phishing Tackle platform with that organisation by clicking the 'login' button next to the organisations' name, as well as see all of the enrolled courses to that sub-organisation.
The third category is Recipients. Within this category, you will have access to:
- All Recipients is where you will be able to view all recipients from all Partner Portal accounts. With each recipient in the list, you are given their email, when they joined, their organisation name, and their click-prone (%).
- Failed Recipients is where you are able to view all of the recipients which have failed Phishing Campaigns. With each recipient in the list, you are able to see their email, when they joined, their organisation name and their click prone (%).
The third category is training. Within this category, you will have access to:
All courses will give you the description of the courses as well as the organisations in which the courses are included in. You can also see the status of the course (whether the course has started, finished or incomplete). You also see the start and end date of the course.
- Copy Courses allows you to copy the configuration of a specific training course to a different Partner Portal account. You are taken through steps to ensure that the course which you are copying is copied to the place you want it, starts at your desired time as well as ends at your desired time.
Phishing Campaigns
The fourth category of the USP is Phishing Campaigns which consist of the following:
- All Campaigns is where you can see and manage all of the campaigns across the organisations that you manage. This section will display the name of the campaign and the campaign statistics.
Copy campaign allows you to select a campaign and replicate its configuration to an account in your Partner Portal.
The fifth and final category of the USP is Admin. Within this category of the portal, you will be able to manage and view:
- Security roles enable you to create and define specific access features for each user. To add a new role, simply click the 'New' button located at the top right-hand side of the section. Once created, you can name your role and customise permissions, deciding whether a user should have access to organisations, emails, training, and the calendar.
In the Users section of the portal, you can view all the user accounts that have been created within all of your Parent Portal accounts and the security roles configured for their accounts.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance, you can contact our support team by clicking here. Or by sending an email to