For requesting information from Power BI, you will need a few pieces of key information such as your: UserID, OrganisationID, and API Key. Your API key can be found within the platform; however, for your OrganisationID and UserID please contact
How to find your API Key
- From the main dashboard, under 'Setup' click 'Organisation' and then 'Settings'.
- From the screen that you are shown, select the menu item named 'API'.
Your API Key will be shown to you. If you do not yet have an API, you can select the 'Generate API Key' button. When this is done, your personal API Key will be displayed to you.
Within Power BI
- Select the drop-down attached to 'Get Data' button.
- Select 'Web'.
- Visit ReDoc Documentation and find the endpoint in which you wish to request information from, and select the CURL tab.
Note: For non MSPs, any API call which requires a 'SubOrganisation' within the parameters will need to enter the OrganisationID again.
- Back on Power BI, on the web request select 'Advanced' and input the URL and header values.
Note: The URL copied from the CURL tab requires you to input account details.
CampaignID= the ID of your training course or campaign
SubOrganisationID= your OrganisationID
- Click 'Ok'.
- The requested information will then be retrieved.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance, you can contact our support team by clicking here. Or by sending an email to