Considering the large quantity of simulated phishing templates which spoof the addresses of your organisation's IT, HR and finance department, along with the MD or CEO, it may be a good idea to let them know of your planned use of the Phishing Tackle platform.
By having the cooperation of your highest-level associates (C-suite employees, IT Directors etc) you increase organisational participation and help raise cyber awareness at a greater rate.
Though each organisation will differ in its approach, we recommend informing your top-level associates before sending your baseline test.
Below is an example template to send to your top-level associates before sending your baseline phishing test. Feel free to make any changes necessary to suit your organisation.
Sample top-level associate email
As part of my duty to help raise cyber awareness within our organisation, we will soon be engaging in security awareness training.
This method of training, provided by, will consist of regular simulated phishing attacks and online training courses. This will enable us to better prepare our users to deal with the threats our organisation faces from cyber criminals.
The first of these tests, our "baseline test", will reveal our current level of susceptibility to phishing attacks (known as our Click-Prone® Score). Naturally, you will be informed of this score as it is made available following the test.
Once we know our Click-Prone® Score, it will be continually monitored during upcoming routine simulated phishing tests and training courses, as our organisation's cyber awareness grows, so our Click-Prone® Score should decrease.
If you would like to go over any further details regarding how security awareness training works, I'd be happy to help.
Thank you and best regards,
Should you have any questions on this or any other aspect of the platform, please contact our support team.