Once users have been assigned training courses within the Phishing Tackle platform, keeping regular tabs on their progress is key to maximising the benefits of their learning.
The Training Courses Page
From the Training > Courses page, you can see an overview of the current courses in progress and how many of your staff have completed the training, this is displayed on the Complete % on the right-hand side.
NOTE: The Complete % figure is the percentage of users who have completed ALL the training material, it does not count partial completion.
To view more detailed information click anywhere on the description of a particular course:
This will bring you to:
The Training Course Status Page
From here you can see:
- Completed all Content
- This is the percentage of staff that have completed ALL course content (the same figure as on the previous page)
- Content Progress
- This displays the percentage of staff that have completed each individual piece of content.
Clicking on the course title or any of the titles of the course content will bring you to the Course Content page. (NOTE: Each title will have its own dedicated page)
The Course Contents Page
This screen has been accessed by clicking the title in the Course Status Page, it contains an overview of all the users' progress within the course.
- The doughnut charts show us how many users are yet to complete their training (in this case all of them!)
- Clicking the charts filters the data accordingly
- The table shows us each user and their status regarding each piece of content.
By clicking the titles of individual pieces of content from the Course Status Page you will see the screen below:
As with all the course contents pages, the doughnut charts are used to filter any information that may be required.
Should you require any further assistance with this article, or any aspect of our platform, please contact support.