Use the instructions below if you would like to configure the Phishing Tackle platform with Active Directory Synchronisation (ADS) using Azure Active Directory Domain Services as the source.
NOTE: If an attribute requires a powershell query to be found it cannot be synced using the Phishing Tackle ADS Tool. Only attributes found in the user's profile via the Azure portal can be synced.
- You will need an Azure Active Directory with Azure AD Domain Services enabled.
- Instructions for this can be found here
- You will need to enable Azure Active Directory LDAPS.
- Instructions for this can be found here
There are 2 methods to set up ADS with Azure Active Directory Domain Services:
- Using an internal machine, installing ADS on the same network
- Use our guide on installing the Phishing Tackle ADS Tool to install ADS on the internal machine.
- When asked for the "Server Host Name or IP address" use the Domain Services Internal IP (shown as "IP Address on Virtual Network" on the Azure properties, see image below)
- Type "TRUE" when prompted to "Enable SSL".
- Using an external machine, installing ADS on a different network.
- Use our guide on installing the Phishing Tackle ADS Tool to install ADS on the internal machine.
- When asked for the "Server Host Name or IP address" use the LDAPS External IP (shown as "Secure LDAP External IP Address" on the Azure properties, see image below)
- Type "TRUE" when prompted to "Enable SSL".
Should you have any further questions, please contact our support desk by clicking here.